Easter at the table
I will simply call it ‘Easter state of mind’. Going back, it was truly the holiday that evoked Narnia-like world of ephemeral flowers awaking to the warm rays of sun, and everything that was delicate and wonderful and bound to disappear any moment. Wildflowers were at arms’ reach, when I was growing up, all you needed to do was to go to the end of the fields to a magical stream and cove called “debrza“, and pick to you heart’s content.
Then, there were larch trees growing at the property, planted by my grandfather. By the time I was in college, most of them had fallen in a particularly powerful storm (they have shallow roots). The Easter would not be complete though without an arrangement of daffodils and larch branches that have a captivating lemon-like scent. Some still grow to this day, and there is a whole new generation of them in debrza, planted by my father, to ensure that our Easter decorations in Poland carry on a tradition.
What do you do if you live in a city though…No larch trees in Cambridge that I can find, to forage. But, there are weeping birches hanging over the sidewalks, and their wispy branches make a lovely whimsical addition to any bouquet. I am also partial to vinca, or Creeping Myrtle (not telling where I foraged mine!), that make charming decorations for any cake (leaves are bit waxy and stay fresh for a long time) and is traditionally used for Easter basket decor in Poland.